
“How Do You Stay Positive?”

Throughout high school and into college, almost all of my friends have at one point approached me with the question, “How do you stay so positive?” Whether I’m sharing about a bad day but concluding with a hopeful note or remaining sane during midterm season, my friends are regularly curious about my ability to maintain a bright outlook. The truth is, a glass-half-full mentality is not something one is born with – it mandates intentional and sustained efforts. 


Shifting Perspectives

It wasn’t until my early teens that I realized the immense power of one’s mindset. During this period, I had a lot of ambitions. For instance, I desperately wanted to move up to Mr. Montenari’s advanced math class in the seventh grade. Although math was a subject I had struggled with all my life, I felt the urge to prove myself just as capable of solving an equation as writing an essay. As the placement exam loomed closer, I traded my habitual self-doubt for determination and positive thinking. Undeterred by my own critical thoughts, I was able to persistently prepare and ultimately pass the exam. Consequently, I enjoyed a profound sense of pride and increased self-confidence. This was one of many early events to mark a pivotal realization – your mindset is your foundation for success.

Entering high school, my mindset became my most valuable tool in identifying and achieving my goals while boosting my overall happiness. Rather than see academics as a chore, I devoted myself to my classes to broaden my worldview, and I found motivation in the doors that academics could open. And when playing on the school soccer team became a stressor, I journaled positive affirmations to reframe my outlook on the extracurricular. My notes included sentiments like “Don’t let nerves get in your way,” “focus on the present moment,” and “have fun; that’s what we’re here for!”


My Mentality

The mindset I strive to practice is characterized by a tendency to be solution-oriented, focused on the bigger picture, and embracing of the idea that the only true failure is not trying at all. I also derive joy in the little things and the company of the people around me. After all, there is so much to be thankful for when you take the time to reflect on the joyful moments – big or small – found in each day.

Though it becomes more habitual with time, cultivating and sustaining a positive mindset mandates intentional effort. I’ve found that,for me, motivational quotes and inspirational people are key energy sources. Quotes lists and Pinterest vision boards are frequent go-to’s when doubt, pessimism, or nerves inevitably creep in. These tools help me feel inspired and uplifted no matter the day’s extenuating circumstances.



Don’t get me wrong. By no means is my ability to remain positive because I live a perfect life free of real-world problems or daily stressors. Although I have created the habit of seeing the glass half full, there are some dayswhen it feels plain empty!

Yet, these challenging days have only further convinced me of the extensive importance of one’s mindset. It truly touches every aspect of your life. When I’m not at my best and my positive lens begins to falter, I find myself feeling unproductive and with little initiative. I respond to life as if it is something “happening” to me, rather than something I am actively navigating. I’ve consciously concluded that this is not the type of person I want to become. Thus, I make an active choice to approach life from the bright, optimistic lens that I have consciously developed.


Why It’s Worth It

It’s often said that if you smile at the world, it will smile back at you. I wholeheartedly believe that your mindset shapes the way you perceive the world, ultimately creating your lived reality. In other words, a positive outlook affects both how you view the world and how you engage with it. With a trained tendency to look for the bright side and assume the best, you can recover quickly from setbacks and see opportunities that might otherwise go unnoticed. Although cultivating a positive mindset is no easy task, I believe it’s the best investment you’ll ever make!